I’m writing a bit sooner than I usually do.
We have resumed working on the Rock, Paper, Scissors project. I need to implement a user interface (UI) so that the game can be played in a web browser instead of just the console. I have completed the HTML portion and am working on the JavaScript part. The HTML wasn’t too challenging, but I’m finding that I need to rewrite a significant portion of the JavaScript. It’s been a lot of searching and learning through online resources, aka Googling.
O’Malley is sleeping under my desk again. I found out because I accidentally put my foot on him. He’s still under the desk now. I had Everest today for about a half hour while Karissa was working in the yard. I need to fill the pillboxes, so I should get a move on. I also have clothes to put away.
Tomorrow, we’re going hiking. Oh, and I realized it’s July 4th. Tommy has tomorrow and Friday off. Then, on Sunday, we’re heading to a friend’s house to play board games and enjoy their new pool. Kel mentioned I should bring a bathing suit, which makes me a bit self-conscious, but I’ll manage.