I have completed the rock, paper, scissors project. You can view it at https://desertkitten.github.io/rock_paper_scissors/. While I am uncertain if everything is implemented correctly, the game functions as expected. I had to search for a lot of help on Google, and I am grateful for the availability of such resources. I vividly recall when we didn’t rely on Google and spent hours in the library. Our next assignment involves creating an Etch-a-Sketch. It’s interesting to revisit memories of using Etch-a-Sketches, which makes me feel nostalgic.
Chris and I dropped off Alex at Walmart, where he is closing tonight, and then we went to Smiths to buy a few things to make Teriyaki sauce. Afterward, we picked up the mail and headed home. The rest of my day was spent on coding. Friday will be busy with Lexi getting her blood drawn in the morning, making a trip to the MVD, and having my audiology appointment. I’ll update you all on how I did on my hearing test afterward, but it’s not looking very optimistic. I have another hearing test scheduled for Saturday at Costco to potentially get hearing aids, and I’m looking forward to that. Being able to hear others speak is something I’m excited about.