I dedicated most of my day to working on a Javascript calculator project. In the morning, I ran some errands with Kel. We visited the mailing store, where Kel sent something for her parents, and I faxed the paperwork that my psychiatrist requested. I was pretty anxious about faxing, as interacting with others makes me nervous. Fortunately, it wasn’t as bad as I expected. I asked for a cover letter, and the faxing process took only a few minutes.
Additionally, I called the clinic to inform them about the fax. Later, Kel and I went to the grocery store to purchase ingredients for tonight’s dinner. The menu includes air-fryer chicken thighs, California-style veggies (I had to skip brussel sprouts for the high price), and watermelon. I particularly enjoy my watermelon with some tajin seasoning.
Sandy is currently on my desk. Earlier, O’Malley was there. It’s a mystery why my desk is a magnet for cats, as there’s a feline occupying it every day. I have the sudden urge to tidy and declutter my desk right now. I often feel the need to clean and organize it, although I’m not entirely sure why. I plan to sort through my stationery and papers.
Oh, wow! While clearing my desk just now, I came across a dongle. I connected it to my computer and realized it was a Bluetooth dongle! My computer now has Bluetooth capability. I wondered why my computer lacked Bluetooth, not realizing the dongles had been disconnected. There are three dongles plugged into my computer. While I can identify two of them, I still need to figure out the purpose of the third one.
We’ve identified the purpose of the third dongle. It belongs to Kel for her keyboard. She’s using her laptop because her computer isn’t functioning correctly. Incidentally, Kel just lent me a wired mouse since my wireless one stopped working, even though it had new batteries. I should post this now. I need to tidy up my desk before preparing dinner.
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