I’m currently working on my calculator project, and it’s a bit challenging, but I’m thoroughly enjoying the process. I got sidetracked while organizing my photos on the computer, but now I’m back to coding. Chris and Kel went out to run some errands, so I’m in the office with Everest, who looks quite bored. I’m planning to let her out to play in a little while.
Is watermelon season over? Kel and I were at the store yesterday but only found small watermelons. I’m curious about where all the watermelons have gone. I just read that the typical watermelon season is from May to September, so we should still be able to find watermelons. Perhaps Walmart has some. Additionally, I’ve been craving mangos but haven’t seen them in the store, even though I know they are in season now.
I removed the contact form from my page because I received too much spam. If you want to contact me, there is an email icon at the top of my page. There’s not much else to report today. Lexi has a hair appointment tomorrow at 11, followed by her friend’s bridal shower in the afternoon. Tommy and I are dropping her off at her hair appointment and then at the bridal shower. Also, tomorrow, I will be fitted with new hearing aids, which I’m looking forward to. I’m excited at the prospect of being able to hear everyday conversations again. I wonder if I will be able to listen to the music that stores play. Usually, I can’t hear it, but tomorrow, I’ll be able to hear everything again! Ok, I know hearing aids aren’t perfect, and I will still have some problems hearing. I like the fact that the hearing aids have Bluetooth.