Tommy and I are back to working out after his injury. We took a week’s break but resumed our workouts this weekend. I rode the bike and did some yoga to kick things off. Saturday was quite packed. After our workout, we accompanied Alexis to her hair appointment before returning home for a quick lunch. We had only half an hour at home before driving Alex to work and taking Alexis to her friend’s bridal shower. I got a bit turned around when giving Tommy directions.
I tend to struggle with directions. Once, when I lived in Lawton, Ok, outside Fort Sill, I had a somewhat comedic mishap. After leaving the base, it took me 40 minutes to get home, even though I lived just 10 minutes away. Without a cell phone, I found myself driving around Lawton in search of my house. Haha!
Over the weekend, I received my new hearing aids, which significantly improved over my old ones. They also have Bluetooth capability, allowing me to connect them to my phone for taking calls, although I have yet to try that. On Sunday, Tommy and I went for a walk to exercise, and later, we watched WWE Summer Slam. While some of the fights were interesting, the last one felt like it went on longer than necessary. Tommy had a hockey game that night, and despite not having played for five years, he did pretty well. It was enjoyable to watch him play again.
I’m still working on my JavaScript calculator project, but I’ve encountered some challenges. JavaScript behaves inconsistently across different web browsers due to variations in how each browser’s engine interprets the code. This has made testing the calculator more difficult, especially when switching between Chrome and Safari. I think I will stick to using Chrome when working.
Today, I had to make a couple of phone calls – one to reschedule Karissa’s doctor’s appointment and another to check if my lab orders are ready for me to have my blood drawn for medication management. However, I find talking on the phone quite anxiety-inducing. To cope with this, I always write down what I want to say beforehand to reduce my anxiety and help me stay focused during the conversation.
I still need to scan the passports. I will do that when I get off the computer.