Anyone know what movie the title of this post came from? I’m not good at movie trivia but that was a funny movie.
I’m feeling unsettled as if I’m anticipating something even though I’m not. My therapy session is at 1:30, but I’m not anticipating that. I’ve recently started intermittent fasting, where I begin eating at noon. It’s not easy, and I’m eagerly awaiting my first meal. My stomach is growling, and it’s particularly challenging to fast with an early wake-up time of 6 am. It may become easier with time. Just one more hour until I can eat. I guess I’m anticipating food.
The fall season is approaching, although we still have August and September. I always appreciate the unique charm of autumn with its cooler weather, vibrant foliage, and cozy atmosphere. While I enjoy summer, I find it more manageable when not directly in the sun. However, the presence of flies and mosquitoes during the summer can be bothersome.
Lexi is setting off on her trip today. She’s staying at her friend’s place for the night, and they’re all leaving at 4 am tomorrow. There will be four of them. I’m feeling a bit nervous and already missing Lexi. They should be back home on Monday. Next week, both Lexi and Chris will be moving back into their dorm room to start the new school year.
It’s a little later in the day. I just had my therapy appointment. We talked about my anxieties and how to manage it. Anxiety is a natural part of life, a response to stress or danger that prepares us to face challenges. I have to keep thinking about that rather than letting it overwhelm me. However, when anxiety becomes overwhelming and persistent, it can interfere with my daily life and well-being.
I wrote notes on how to manage my anxiety:
1. Professional Help: That’s a given. Use the warm line if my anxiety ever gets terrible.
2. Lifestyle Changes:
. Exercise: I do want to start back up on weights.
. Diet: I find it so hard to keep a good diet. But I’m trying.
. Sleep: I get 6 to 7 hours of sleep on weekdays. Now, I need to take control of my dreams, which keep waking me up.
. Mindfulness and Relaxation: Practices like meditation, deep breathing exercises, and yoga can help calm the mind. Sometimes, I have a hard time with this one.
3. Self-Care:
. Set Boundaries: Learn to say no and prioritize your needs. That’s not easy when you are a people pleaser.
. Stay Connected: Maintain supportive relationships with friends and family. Does social media count? Cause that is how I stay in touch.
. Limit Stimulants: As I drink my second cup of coffee of the day.
4. Cognitive Strategies:
. Challenge Negative Thoughts: Identify and reframe irrational fears and negative thinking patterns. So, I need to ignore my inner critic.
. Set Realistic Goals: Break tasks into manageable steps to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
. Positive Self-Talk: Encourage yourself with affirmations and constructive inner dialogue. This one is hard; my inner critic is mean.
Oh, I finished the calculator project. Google helped me a lot. Next, we will go over some HTML, which makes me happy. I like HTML.
JavaScript notes
Javascript calculator:
let displayValue = ''; let firstNumber = null; let operator = null; let secondNumber = null; const display = document.getElementById('display'); const buttons = document.querySelectorAll('.number, .operator, #equals, #clear, .decimal'); buttons.forEach(button => { button.addEventListener('click', function() { const value = this.textContent; if ( === 'clear') { displayValue = ''; firstNumber = null; operator = null; secondNumber = null; display.textContent = '0'; return; } if (this.classList.contains('number')) { displayValue += value; } else if (this.classList.contains('decimal')) { if (!displayValue.includes('.')) { displayValue += value; } } else if (this.classList.contains('operator')) { if (firstNumber === null) { firstNumber = parseFloat(displayValue); operator = value; displayValue = ''; } else if (operator) { secondNumber = parseFloat(displayValue); displayValue = operate(operator, firstNumber, secondNumber); firstNumber = parseFloat(displayValue); operator = value; displayValue = ''; } } else if ( === 'equals') { if (firstNumber !== null && operator !== null) { secondNumber = parseFloat(displayValue); displayValue = operate(operator, firstNumber, secondNumber); firstNumber = null; operator = null; } } display.textContent = displayValue; }); }); function operate(operator, num1, num2) { switch (operator) { case '+': return num1 + num2; case '-': return num1 - num2; case '*': return num1 * num2; case '/': return num2 === 0 ? "Error: You can't do that!" : num1 / num2; default: return "Invalid operation"; } }