Nostalgia often catches us off guard. Today, Karissa had her doctor’s appointment to check her thyroid levels, and everything looks good, which is excellent news. During the appointment, the doctor detected a heart murmur while listening to her heart. After discussing her heart history, the doctor requested to review her medical record related to her heart diagnosis before referring her to a new cardiologist. I have the task of locating her medical record and know exactly where to find it, so that won’t be an issue.
I find myself reminiscing about the past, particularly when Karissa was just a baby. She required a lot of attention early on because her heart wasn’t as strong as it should have been. The doctor advised against letting her cry, as it would put too much stress on her heart. I had to carefully control the environment at home to ensure the right temperature for her. Unfortunately, I had to stop breastfeeding her because she wasn’t gaining weight. This ultimately led to her undergoing surgery at just three months old, as she wasn’t thriving and had only gained a single pound since birth. She was only 8lbs when she had the surgery. Her hospital stay lasted about three weeks because she refused to eat from a bottle. Only when I reverted to an old method – feeding her with a cold, wet washcloth – she started to eat, albeit in small amounts. She would eat and then fall asleep. So I’d use the washcloth to wake her up rudely, and then she would eat more. By persisting with this method, she gained 0.5 ounces, and we finally brought her home.
Kevin and I were anxious about taking her home, especially with the scorching 100-degree weather outside. We were concerned that it might be too hot for her. However, the doctor reassured us that she would be just fine, and she was. She gained four and a half pounds in just one month, reaching 13lbs at five months old. As she grew stronger, we had to begin her physical therapy. Karissa despised physical therapy at first. Having spent the first four months of her life on her back, she now had to adjust to being on her stomach and learn to lift her head. Eventually, the physical therapist progressed to teaching her how to sit and crawl. Her development was delayed due to her heart condition, but she eventually caught up. She started walking at two years old and was running by the age of 2 and a half.
I had a therapy session today, during which we delved into my struggles with decision-making and my tendency to delegate that responsibility to others. It became evident that I needed to assert my opinions and be heard. Allowing someone else to make decisions on my behalf could lead to resentment if they are not fully prepared to take on that responsibility. Growing up, I was never encouraged to make decisions on my own. My mother made all the decisions for me, and any attempt on my part to voice my opinion or make a decision independently would result in negative consequences and harsh punishments.
Consequently, it became easier for me to let others make decisions for me. However, that is not what I truly desire. I also want to avoid coming across as domineering when expressing my opinions. Despite my apprehension, I need to voice my opinions more frequently.
I came across Karissa’s medical record detailing her heart diagnosis and surgery. I decided not to read it as it contains a lot of complex medical terminology that I don’t understand. I’m just relieved that Karissa is doing well now.
Our credit union recently required us to update our password. After a few days of effort, Alexis successfully completed the process. She mentioned to me yesterday, “There are food trucks coming Wednesday. Which is why I was trying so hard to get into my account.” Haha! That’s our girl! It’s usually about food.
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