I decided to write during my lunch break, even though I don’t have much to write about. I’ve been pondering what to write today, but nothing has come to mind. My morning didn’t go well – I had trouble with the Keurig and forgot to pack Tommy’s lunch. I put extra water in the Keurig, even though it was already half full, and it seemed to do the job. However, the rest of the day looks pretty relaxed. I did some coding after breakfast and took my last antibiotic pill, which I’m happy about because antibiotics always upset my stomach. It will take a few more days for my stomach to return to normal, so I’m still feeling down this morning. Oh, and since Kohl’s card is now a Visa card, they jumped the minimum payment from $29 to $58. I don’t understand this. This is screwed up. Although I mentioned it’s lunchtime, I haven’t eaten yet because I’m just not hungry. I should check what’s available for lunch since I know I need to eat.
I had some quinoa pilaf for lunch today, which I found in the large freezer. It was decent, but I added some salt to enhance the flavor. I’m facing some challenges with writing the JavaScript part of the calculator project, but I believe I’m close to completing the code. I wish the project had more detailed instructions, but I’m managing. I joined the Odin Project Discord to connect with a coding community, although I rarely use Discord. So, I’m not sure why I joined the Discord. If I have a JavaScript question, it would be nice to have a place to ask it besides Google.
Oh! I forgot to mention that we now have a washer, making laundry at home much more convenient! It’s really nice to have one again. Also, I still need to pay the $80 for my hearing test. I plan to take care of it at the beginning of the month when I pay the bills. My mood still hasn’t lifted, but I guess that is okay. My laptop keeps making noises; I think it’s the Discord that I have up. We are going to do some weights tonight. That may lift up my mood.
*JavaScript notes*
const buttons = document.querySelectorAll('.number, .operator, #equals, #clear, .decimal'); buttons.forEach(button => { button.addEventListener('click', function() { const value = this.textContent; if (this.id === 'clear') { displayValue = ''; firstNumber = null; operator = null; secondNumber = null; display.textContent = '0'; return; } if (this.classList.contains('number')) { displayValue += value; } else if (this.classList.contains('decimal')) { if (!displayValue.includes('.')) { displayValue += value; } }