Happy October! Here are some interesting facts about October:
Name Origin: October comes from the Latin word “octo,” meaning “eight,” because it was the eighth month in the ancient Roman calendar before January and February were added.
Autumn: For the Northern Hemisphere, October is right in the heart of autumn. Trees begin to display vibrant colors as their leaves turn red, orange, and yellow.
Halloween: October 31 is celebrated as Halloween, a holiday with roots in the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, which marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter.
Full Moon: The full moon in October is known as the Hunter’s Moon. It’s the first full moon after the Harvest Moon, which occurs closest to the autumn equinox.
Birthstone: The birthstones for October are opal and tourmaline, both known for their beautiful and multi-colored appearances.
Zodiac Signs: October hosts the zodiac signs of Libra (until October 22) and Scorpio (from October 23 onwards).
Important Days:
World Teachers’ Day (October 5)
Indigenous Peoples’ Day (second Monday)
International Day of the Girl Child (October 11)
United Nations Day (October 24)
Pumpkins: October is the peak of pumpkin season. Pumpkins are a major symbol of autumn, and they are mainly used for pumpkin carving in preparation for Halloween.
I’ve decided to take a break from coding. Writing this journal entry is a good way to take a breather before making lunch. Usually, when I need a break, I scroll through my phone, but that doesn’t help me relax today. I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed for some reason. Despite progressing with my coding curriculum, I still can’t shake this feeling. It’s strange because I don’t even have any chores or errands to run, yet I feel overwhelmed.
I’m starting to wonder if it’s my ADHD acting up again. My medication management appointment is scheduled for the end of this month. I recently took a test for ADHD, and I’m curious to know how I did. My only complaint about the test is that it focused solely on my childhood. I wish it included some questions about adulthood. It is being that I’m cleverly disguised as an adult. It just would make more sense to answer adult questions. I’m about to have my second appointment with my new psychiatrist. I’m curious to see how it will turn out. Over the past few years, I’ve seen three or four medication management psychiatrists at my clinic. It seems like they never have one that stays for the long term. It makes it frustrating for me.
I lost track of time. We recently got a new fridge for the garage, so now we won’t have to worry about where to store the food for Thanksgiving dinner next month. Karissa cleaned it and got it running today, and it’s nice and cool now. With the weather cooling down, we’ve also turned off the swamp cooler, and soon, we’ll be removing the AC units from the windows. I’m going to do more coding, and then I’ll post my journal.