I’m in a better mental state now, but I find myself concerned about the well-being of others. When someone is struggling with mental exhaustion or anxiety, I often feel at a loss for the right words. As I strive to offer support akin to a therapist’s, I aim to lend an empathetic ear. However, I worry that my efforts may not be as effective as I’d like.
Today, I revisited the recipe project in my coding practice. I felt the need to reinforce my grasp of previously acquired knowledge, so I made some adjustments, particularly to the attributes of the links, which I hadn’t implemented correctly initially. /sigh I basically rewrote it because I didn’t think it was good enough to turn in the second time around. Working with HTML is quite calming, and I don’t mind reworking the project. Plus, I need the practice. I also added a CSS page to practice my CSS.
Tommy will come home late tonight because he’s practicing with his band. I think it’s great that he’s pursuing his hobbies. Unlike me, who only indulges in my hobbies after coding for a bit. I hope he has a great time tonight. I sometimes worry that he doesn’t take time to relax and have fun.
Karissa just informed me that she needs to visit a dentist to get her cavity filled. It’s unusual for her to suggest seeing a dentist. I’ll contact the dentist later to arrange for antibiotics, and then I’ll schedule the appointment after we have the antibiotics. Due to our heart conditions, both Karissa and I need to take antibiotics before any dental procedure. Our dentist knows this requirement and won’t proceed with any work without the antibiotic pre-treatment. I like our dentist; she’s very kind.
Tomorrow is Friday! I don’t have any plans for the weekend, but I’m looking forward to some much-needed rest. Perhaps we will do some cleaning or find some other activity to do. Or maybe I’ll just take it easy! Sandy is currently napping on my desk right next to me, as she usually does during the day or on the bed. I have to run now. Kel and I will head to the kitchen and find something for dinner tonight.