I’m unsure what to write today as I’m taking a short break from coding. This week, I’m working on CSS, which I enjoy. CSS has a lot of properties that can be challenging to remember. The upcoming election day is approaching, and I’m looking forward to it being over. I do plan on voting. I find it exhausting to see the name-calling memes between parties, as it feels more like a middle school scenario rather than a responsible approach to governing our country.
I feel like I should go for a walk outside. I haven’t seen the sun all day since I’ve been indoors. I had the last of the leftover lasagna for lunch. It wasn’t much, but I wasn’t very hungry. Kel and the boys, Alex and Jay, are spending the day at Kel’s dad’s house, so it’s pretty quiet here. I snacked on some carrots, but now I feel full, which always makes me feel guilty. I hate feeling full.
Tommy is home early since he went to work early. So I’m going to see how he is doing and get off the computer.