The calm before the storm. The weather here is currently pleasant, with clear skies and a gentle breeze that makes it a perfect day to step outside and enjoy the beauty of our surroundings, which I did earlier when I ran errands. But as we know, the weather in our area can be unpredictable, and this tranquil scene is about to change.
Rain is in the forecast, and the shift will be noticeable. While some of us may welcome the moisture, especially in our dry climate, others might be less enthused about the impending clouds and wet conditions. But the weather looks like it will clear up after that and get back up in the 70s. I enjoy the rain, especially if I stay indoors and have hot tea.
As I mentioned, I ran errands earlier. Kel picked me up, and she and her dad took me to the mail and copy place to mail Tommy’s broken motherboard. They also took me to the T-Mobile store so I could turn in Tommy’s old phone. They were quick errands, but it was nice to get out of the house for a bit.
Today in coding, I’m doing the Rock, Paper, Scissors project. Yes, I have done this before but thought I could use the practice and do it again. I’m having fun learning how this all comes together and works. I don’t have it working yet but I’m getting there.
Ok, I’m almost done with my code. I haven’t been testing the code so I hope the code works. I will put a link to the page so you can play Rock, Paper, Scissors when I’m done.
I need to start dinner soon, so I will post this.