Karissa was reading about presidencies and inquired how Roosevelt managed to serve more than two terms. He won a third term by defeating Republican nominee Wendell Willkie in the 1940 U.S. presidential election, making him the only president to serve beyond two terms. Following his presidency, concerns emerged regarding the potential for one individual to wield excessive power for an extended period. This prompted the ratification of the 22nd Amendment in 1951, which limits a president to two terms in office. That concludes your lesson in politics for today. I’m feeling quite fatigued by all this political discussion, as I’ve never been fond of politics. However, I did manage to pass my political science and history courses in college.
I received my flu shot yesterday, so I’m feeling a bit under the weather today. It’s not too bad, but I’m definitely tired and low on energy. I understand that while you can’t get the flu from the vaccine, you may experience some side effects as your immune system responds to it. Some individuals might feel ill shortly after getting the shot, but this is typically due to exposure to the flu virus before developing full immunity, which takes about two weeks after vaccination, or from another virus, like the common cold. I seem to be quite chatty today, don’t I?
I have therapy scheduled for 1:30 today. We will likely revisit my triggers, as that is our current focus. Tommy provided me with a list of triggers; a few of them are indeed valid, but the rest seemed a bit off. I need to keep an eye on the time because I often forget about my appointment. I should jot this down in my planner. It’s already noted in my Google Calendar, and I’ll receive an email and text reminder half an hour before the session. However, I’ve found that writing it down can also help solidify my memory.
I don’t know why I’m so chatty today. I’m tired. Coding today is nice. I’m working on basic math problems for my calculator project. So coding isn’t too intense today. I used to go to DeVry and they were in a lawsuit. I received $23 today from that lawsuit. /facepalm With all the money I have spent on that school, I get $23. Oh well, I can get something small with that money.
I just finished therapy and feel as though I’m gradually coming down from dissociation. During our session, we focused on my triggers: violence, yelling, swearing, sex, and even certain objects tied to memories that I’ve since discarded. While I can recall snippets of what I discussed, I primarily feel the weight of the trauma, along with some mental blockage regarding the session itself. It’s as if I know I had therapy, but I don’t have a clear memory of the details.
From what I remember – I remember first talking about the election and how I feel. Oh! I remember starting by saying that politics is an anxiety trigger. I’m interested in the structure and processes of government but find the more combative aspects, like debates and political infighting, really stressful. The way politics is presented in the media often amplifies these conflicts, which can add to the feeling of unease. Then we moved to how violence, swearing, and yelling are triggers. We talked about how the media and movies can provide triggers without us even noticing at the time that we were triggered. I’m having trouble remembering things. Oh, I also talked about how I used to have a car, I can’t even remember what kind it was, but Mike drove it a lot. Well, I got rid of the car and some furniture that had memories attached. And how they were triggers when I had the objects. I worked hard to get rid of everything that had a traumatic memory attached to it.
I had to take a break and ground myself. I’m told to speak up when things trigger me. That may not be so easy, but I will try. I usually just dissociate and take it, rather than deal with the trigger. The therapist gave me a name to watch on YouTube about complex PTSD. I will check that out later.
Oh! Sandy was in the room while I was in therapy. During the middle of the session, she walked over my keyboard and somehow kicked me out of the session. I had to join the session again to finish my therapy. Next time I’m taking the cat out of the room first.
It’s starting to snow again. Tomorrow may be a challenge with getting out of the driveway. We will see how much snow this storm gives us.