I’m currently listening to music as I code. I’ve completed the calculator, which performs basic functions; however, I’ve noticed that if you enter a new number after calculating it, it appends to the existing number. I’m unsure how to resolve that issue, but since the assignment only required basic math functions, I’ll leave it as is and move on with the course. More HTML is coming up. I’m excited to be coding HTML!
I am excited to begin planning my Thanksgiving menu and shopping list. I’m looking forward to the holiday and hope everything turns out well. I plan to work on the list tonight, and the recipes are fairly straightforward. I haven’t tackled the pie recipes yet, but I anticipate they will also be simple. I need to work quickly, as I would like to have everything finished by this weekend. While browsing the Trader Joe’s flyer today, I noticed they offer many good food options and even include recipes! It just made me more excited over Thanksgiving. I want to be organized and ready for it.
I’m in the mood for some hot tea, though I’m uncertain about which type to choose. We have a good selection, and I’m having trouble deciding. There’s a particular tea I’ve been wanting to try—houjicha, a Japanese green tea. I will likely need to check Amazon for it. I prefer to try the ground houjicha tea rather than the loose version so I can prepare it similarly to matcha. Yes, I’ve done a bit of research on this tea.
I don’t have much else to talk about today. I will be heading out soon to get wood pellets for the pellet stove. And maybe do some dinner shopping. I haven’t decided yet on what I want for dinner. I’m so indecisive.
Ok, I’m back from shopping. We got pellets and we are having some bbq air fryer chicken with potatoes and brussel sprouts.