This week seems to be moving so slow. I guess that is ok, better than going too fast and not getting things done.
I have been practicing HTML all morning, and I’m now taking a brief break. I’m maintaining my focus quite well, though I still feel restless. Since we’re covering the basics of HTML—something I already understand—I believe that contributes to my restlessness. Nevertheless, I’m enjoying the process.
I don’t have therapy this week because my therapist is on vacation; he’s staying local, so I guess it’s more of a ‘staycation.’ My homework is to watch a series of YouTube videos on C-PTSD and discuss them during my next appointment next week. I haven’t watched them yet, but I plan to do so soon. He gave me a specific YouTuber to watch – Tim Fletcher. I never heard of him before.
I’m not entirely sure how to approach someone who is grieving, even though I have experienced the loss of my dad and Kevin in the past. Kel is currently struggling with the loss of her mom, and she has been texting me today about her feelings. Despite my history of loss, I still find it challenging to know what to say. I believe that since each person’s experience of grief is unique, sometimes simply being present and showing that you care can be more comforting than words. Sometimes words often fall short and can even make things worse.
I’ve been using my laptop to charge my iPad, and it’s working quite well. I charge my laptop and then connect the iPad to it. Right now, I’m charging my Kindle because I have a new book to read, which is quite serendipitous. During lunch, I was browsing Goodreads when I came across an advertisement for a book by an author I enjoy. I clicked on it, and it redirected me to Amazon, where I found the book. To my surprise, it mentioned that I could read it for free. After clicking on that option, I discovered the book was sent directly to my Kindle. I was surprised cause I didn’t expect that to happen. It’s a bit puzzling how I managed to get the book for free; it’s an Amazon Prime thing, so maybe that has something to do with it. Plus, it’s a short book, so I should be able to finish it quickly. Oh, it’s called, “Cruel Winter with You.” It sounds like a Hallmark movie. Probably reads like one too.