I find myself grappling with a sense of writer’s block. It’s that frustrating experience when the words refuse to come, ideas seem elusive, and the blank page stares back at me, almost in mockery. Today, I feel pressed for time to write; I should be focusing on coding instead. After practicing CSS all morning, I had my lunch, and now I’m ready to dive back into coding.
Kel rode into the city with Tommy this morning as she is visiting Chris at his school. Tommy is expected to return home early today. Meanwhile, Alex, who is currently on a trip, lost his phone yesterday. Fortunately, Kel was able to use Google to locate it last night, and Alex has since recovered his phone. He’s quite lucky to have it back. Being without a phone while traveling can be daunting. It’s interesting to reflect on how we used to travel without phones in the past, but now it feels unsettling to be without one.
Ok, I’m going to get back to coding and come back to writing later. It’s later, I think I’m going to make myself some tea and do a little reading in CSS. I’m going to post this now since Tommy and Kel should be home soon. Oh, I just noticed that my laptop has this feature where it can mirror your phone. I have not tried that yet. Maybe next week I’ll play around with the feature.