I need to reschedule my ENT appointment. For many, this is likely a straightforward task—call and make the necessary changes. However, for me, crippling anxiety prevents me from making that phone call. I have an intense phobia of using the phone. Just the thought of picking it up and dialing causes me to shake and struggle to breathe physically. It feels as though I’m on the verge of a panic attack, and I likely am. All I need to do is make this phone call, so why does my mind turn this into such a monumental challenge?
I’m currently on hold to reschedule, taking deep breaths to stay calm. I can manage this. Additionally, I need to arrange a cardiology appointment for Karissa. I may tackle that today or possibly save it for Monday, depending on how this call goes. Being on hold is only heightening my anxiety, and I just want to get this call over with.
I did it! I changed my appointment. I realize that this may seem like a simple task to others, but for me, it feels significant. I believe I can handle Karissa’s appointment now. Deep breaths.
Alright, I’ve managed to schedule Karissa’s cardiology appointment. The woman who assisted me in scheduling sounded as awkward as I felt. I think she was new. Well, I got the appointment down. The first availability is in March. Which isn’t too bad for the main hospital. Sometimes the main hospital can be six months or more out on appointments.
I’m currently exploring CSS transitions and watching videos to enhance my understanding. I find that I learn better through visual examples, and it’s enjoyable to see the practical applications of these transitions. However, I also recognize that they can be overused, potentially making a website look unattractive.
The syntax for CSS transitions is as follows:
div {
transition: property duration timing-function delay;
I anticipate that with more practice, I’ll eventually memorize the syntax of these transitions.
Kel went into town with Tommy today. While Tommy is at work, she is visiting Chris. He has a potluck at work today and brought the roast I smoked yesterday. Tommy mentioned that the roast was well received. Additionally, he brought Merlin to work with him. Although Merlin was a bit nervous about going, I hear he is doing wonderfully so far at Tommy’s workplace.
As the day draws to a close, I find my anxiety resurfacing, and it lingers for a few hours. There doesn’t seem to be any specific reason for it—at least, none that I can identify. Oh! Tommy and Kel will be home shortly. Since Tommy has therapy at 4, I need to wrap up my coding for now. I also have some clothes to put away that I should attend to. I’ll go ahead and post this now, as I’ll be off my computer soon.