I spent the day reading and watching videos about web accessibility, and now I’ve been examining various websites to see if I can navigate them using just the keyboard. It’s fascinating to discover that some sites lack accessibility features. Unfortunately, my own site falls into this category. While it is possible to navigate it via keyboard, certain features remain inaccessible. I’m uncertain whether I should address these issues or simply leave them as they are. The ability to navigate with a keyboard is certainly a positive aspect. However, I’m not sure how well screen readers interact with my site. Although my eyesight isn’t the best, I tend to rely more on visual elements than audio when it comes to websites. I often need to enable captions when watching videos to ensure I don’t miss any dialogue.
My weekend was quite relaxing. I made my final batch of cookies yesterday and prepared pan de sal on Saturday. Pan de sal is a beloved Filipino bread roll that is a staple in many households throughout the Philippines. The term “pan de sal” translates to “bread of salt,” although it isn’t particularly salty. Tommy looked that up for me. This soft, slightly sweet bread features a light and fluffy texture and is typically coated with breadcrumbs before baking, which gives it a delightful crunchy exterior. I was fortunate to find breadcrumbs in the pantry, as I haven’t been able to locate pan de sal anywhere in New Mexico. Making it myself turned out well. I finished the batch on Saturday as well. Next time I bake them, I plan to make the rolls smaller since I didn’t consider that they rise twice before baking. I used bread flour, which lent a chewier texture, and it worked just fine as a substitute for all-purpose flour.
I spent some time on my computer while baking and watching YouTube videos. Today, Tommy’s Christmas gift from me is being delivered. I used my Kohl’s card to purchase a few items that he needed. One of the gifts is something he mentioned he could find for cheaper but has never gotten for himself, so I decided to buy it for him.
The weather is cool today, and Tommy mentioned that it might snow this week. According to the weather channel, we can expect snow on Wednesday morning. While I understand that many people are not fond of snow and acknowledge its inconveniences, I personally enjoy it. I appreciate the cozy atmosphere that snow brings. As Tommy pointed out, I cherish all the warm, comforting aspects of winter—just not the cold outside.
At the moment, I’m feeling a bit anxious. The house is so quiet, and I can’t shake the feeling that I should be doing something more productive than sitting at my computer. I know I need to put away some clothes, but I haven’t managed to do that yet. I think I’ll get back to coding for now and tackle the clothes afterward.