It snowed a bit this morning, but now it’s just cloudy and windy. I’m finding it difficult to focus today, and I’m not entirely sure why. It feels like I need to be doing something, which is preventing me from concentrating on my coding. Overall, I’m managing my coding tasks, but I wish I could concentrate better. I have a medication management appointment scheduled for next week, and I’ve decided that I don’t want to take any medication for ADHD. I feel that it may not be beneficial for me. I just prefer not to take more medication than necessary. While I recognize that I struggle with focus at times, I sometimes feel that my anxiety plays a larger role than my ADHD.
It’s lunchtime now, and I’m considering making a sandwich. Perhaps my lack of focus is due to hunger—that could definitely be a factor. I’m going to prepare some food and then get back to coding.
Since I skipped breakfast, I decided to make some toast and eggs, along with a little bit of rotisserie chicken. I ended up sharing most of the chicken with Sandy, who was sitting on my desk.
Now, much later in the day, I’ve finished preparing the spaghetti sauce for tonight’s dinner. It needs to simmer for an hour. Kel helped by chopping up the onion and bell pepper for me, but I still managed to cut myself. I accidentally sliced my finger on the lid of the tomato paste can, so I’m currently sporting a band-aid.
I plan to start the water for the pasta around 6 o’clock since it takes some time for it to reach a boil. At higher altitudes, water takes longer to boil due to the decrease in atmospheric pressure, which lowers its boiling point. I intend to begin heating the water about an hour before Tommy gets home from work, ensuring that dinner will be ready when he arrives.
I’m going to watch some YouTube before I need to start the water. Then while the water is going, I will make Tommy’s lunch for tomorrow.