I try to distance myself from the news, but it’s challenging when I scroll through Facebook and encounter countless posts about current events around the world. It’s truly heartbreaking what’s happening out there. The recent plane crash is utterly terrifying, and it’s absurd to see it being politicized. Then there was a school shooting about a week ago, along with so much more that’s troubling in our world. It heightens my anxiety. I consciously limit my time on Facebook and TikTok because of the overwhelming flood of current events. As I’ve mentioned before, I don’t want to be ignorant, but I also don’t want to exist in a constant state of panic. I just want to enjoy my friends’ posts without the heaviness of the outside world creeping in. I wish I could access the news separately from social media. It’s not social media’s fault; we expect news to be a part of it. I just long for a world that isn’t so heartbreaking.
These are topics I don’t typically discuss here. I prefer to keep my journal focused on personal reflections rather than current events or politics, as those subjects don’t come naturally to me.
Today, part of my new desk is arriving! We purchased a desk/countertop from Home Depot and are transforming it into a workspace. I’m genuinely excited about this. I also plan to go through my pens and stationery to organize everything, which I find enjoyable. My current desk has become quite wobbly, so I’ve been careful not to put weight on it.
I had a great time coding today. It has really helped keep my mind away from negative thoughts. I’ve been reviewing various concepts, arrays, and loops. I’m still doing JavaScript exercises as I write this.
It’s Friday, and I feel like I should share a more upbeat post. I’m certainly looking forward to my new desk! Next week, I have several appointments, including a medication management session, therapy, and a hearing test. The hearing test is necessary for my upcoming ENT appointment the following week. January felt particularly long, as it often does.