The main part of my desk has finally arrived! Tommy began working on it yesterday, starting with sanding it down. I also chose the stain color, opting for a pretty red mahogany. We plan to add legs to the butcher block, and the shelves will come later. I’m really excited about my new desk!
This past weekend was quite busy. On Saturday, we kicked off our day by taking the car in for an oil change, which took about two hours. Tommy brought along some Magic the Gathering cards, so we played while we waited. He won both matches. I understand the game, but I’m just not very skilled at it. Nevertheless, we had a lot of fun. By the way, the dealership was hosting an “adopt a dog” event, and there were so many adorable puppies, along with a few older dogs looking for homes. I truly hope the older dogs find a home, as it can be more challenging for them to get adopted.
After that, we headed to Costco. I had my loaner hearing aids cleaned while we shopped, and I also picked up new wax traps designed to catch earwax in the hearing aids. I’m hesitant to use the ones for the loaner aids because I’d prefer to save them for my actual ones. Costco was incredibly crowded, and I can understand why Tommy prefers not to go there on a Saturday. We also stopped by PetSmart to buy some crickets for Kenneth, Chris’s leopard gecko.
On Sunday, we spent a few hours on our computers before going to Home Depot to gather supplies for the new desk and a new hose for the shop vac. Afterwards, we cleaned out the garage and then Tommy began sanding the desk. We later made a quick trip to Harbor Freight for some sanding paper. That evening, Tommy and I went to the ice rink to watch him play hockey. It’s quite chilly there, so I think I’ll bring a hat next time.
Today, I’m working on more JavaScript exercises and I also did laundry, though the clothes still need to be put away. I got a late start since I went back to sleep for an hour after Tommy left for work. Afterward, I showered and assembled the pill boxes for the week.
Later in the day, my anxiety is heightened as usual, and I find myself wanting a snack, though it feels more like a desire to eat rather than actual hunger. I plan to make myself some matcha tea. Alex will be picking up the mail later; I doubt there’s anything significant. I do need to send Lexi her mail, so perhaps I’ll take care of that tomorrow before Kel visits her dad.
I have therapy and medication management scheduled for this week, and I’m relieved to have the medication management since I need a refill on my medication. Later in the week, I’ll also be attending a hearing test appointment. My ENT appointment is next Tuesday, so I’m cutting it close with the hearing test on Thursday. Fortunately, I can bring the physical copy of the test to the doctor in case he doesn’t receive the digital version in time. Which sounds weird cause you’d think getting a digital copy would be instantaneous. Unless they don’t send it right away.
Now, I’m going to prepare myself some matcha tea.