It’s important to remember that when there is a loss, the impact ripples far beyond the immediate family, affecting friends, coworkers, and others who had connections with the person. While it’s natural to focus on the family, acknowledging that others share in the grief, sometimes silently, is essential. Last night, my girl’s reaction when she called me demonstrated how loss, even indirectly, can stir up unexpected emotions. This experience has deeply shaken her, forcing her to confront the concept of mortality in a more personal way. Although it’s not her loss, it has evoked significant emotions such as fear and confusion, especially when it involves losing someone as important as a parent. She may struggle to understand everything, and I am in the same position. Her call last night made me want to rush to her, hold her, and reassure her that everything will be okay.
On Sunday, I had a doctor’s appointment. I was surprised that they were available to see me on a Sunday. I woke up with a swollen eye and feeling unwell, so I was prescribed antibiotics and cough medicine. Today, I’m feeling slightly better thanks to the medication. After the appointment, Tommy and I went to the store to pick up a few dinners. When we returned home, he dozed off while watching TV, so I took the opportunity to take a quick nap.
On Monday, I took care of some errands. First, I went to the post office to mail Lexi’s package. Then, I sent back the camera that Tommy had rented for our trip. It was easier than I expected, as I was worried about not having a box for the camera and its case. Luckily, the mail and copy place had a box for me. Kel was kind enough to pick up my medication, so I treated her to Starbucks. I tried the apple crisp latte Tommy had at the airport, which was good. We decided to get the Grande size because Starbucks can be pricey. After that, Kel and I went to Walmart so she could return a few things.
Today, Karissa had a successful doctor’s appointment. I’m currently trying to read about coding, but I’m finding it difficult to concentrate. I haven’t had lunch yet, and I don’t feel like eating, but I know I should, especially with my antibiotics. Maybe I’ll do that now.