During my vacation, it seems that much of my progress on the Odin Project site, where I learned to code, was not recorded. As a result, I find myself having to redo the calculator project. I’m working on the HTML. Although I could quickly provide my GitHub address to showcase the work I had already done, I’m finding comfort in redoing the code to ease back into my routine after being away. I’m feeling a little lost, and maybe doing some code will help me find that normalcy. It seems to be helping.
I’ve been finding it difficult to focus lately. I’ve been getting up from my desk every 20 minutes or so. I prepared a brine for the turkey we’re having tonight, put it in the brine, and then placed it in the fridge. After that, I made myself a cup of coffee, followed by a cup of hot tea. Now, I need to prepare lunch, and I’m considering having some leftovers since I’m not sure what I’m in the mood for. I believe we still have some roast left from the other day.
It’s later in the day, and I’ve just put the brined turkey in the smoker. It’s a small, boneless turkey, so it should be ready in a few hours, which works well for us since we tend to have dinner a little later than most. I also completed the HTML part of my calculator code. I tried to put the code up here but it just showed the numbers 0-9 when I previewed my post. So much for that. I plan to tidy up my desk drawers soon, but first, I need to check on the smoker.
Last weekend was quite busy. Tommy had Thursday and Friday off for bereavement and his standard every other Friday off. We cleaned the bathroom while Karissa took care of the kids’ bathroom. Chris came over on Saturday, and we celebrated his birthday with dinner and cake. Sunday was dedicated to cleaning, and we aim to clean every room in the house thoroughly. I think the next room on our list is the bedroom, and I have some shirts I’d like to get rid of.