I’m staring at a blank page, wondering what I should write. There’s something both serene and unsettling about staring at a blank page. It’s like standing at the edge of a vast, untouched landscape, waiting to decide where to step. The possibilities stretch out before me, endless, exciting—and completely overwhelming.
What should I write? A question that swirls in my mind, casting doubt on every idea that flutters to the surface. There’s pressure in the blankness, a weight that sits on my shoulders, reminding me of the potential this empty space holds.
Sometimes, it’s the fear of imperfection that paralyzes me. The page, so clean and untouched, begs for something worthy, and I hesitate, afraid that my words might taint its purity. But I know that nothing ever starts perfect. The process of writing is messy, full of mistakes and rewrites. Yet, that first step—putting the first word on the page—feels monumental.
And just like that, the blank page is no longer blank. Of course, I didn’t write about anything – except this once-blank page.
I’ve completed my Rock, Paper, Scissors project. You can find it here: http://www.desertkitten.github.io/rockpaperscissors
The game will begin automatically. After making your five choices, right-click on the page and select ‘Inspect.’ You’ll find the game results in the console on the right side of the page. Refreshing the page will allow you to restart the game.
I began my day a bit later than usual. Tommy isn’t feeling well today so he might come home early. He picked up some Sudafed, and I’m hoping that will help him. The house is quite tranquil; Karissa is working on her homework, and Alex is engrossed in a video game on the TV. The pets are all snoozing, and Sandy is peacefully napping on my desk.
Later in the day, I’m enjoying a cup of hot tea and catching the aroma of food. It seems Alex is preparing something to eat—it smells like spam. Curious, I went to check it out, and it turns out he’s made rice and pulled pork. I was close, right? After all, isn’t spam somewhat similar to pork? Now, I need to look it up. All right, spam is a blend of pork and ham, so the smell I noticed was indeed pork. I’ve got Merlin with me in the office now; he insisted on joining me and has settled in for a nap.