My focus today has been quite limited. I’ve delved deeper into CSS functions and am starting to feel more comfortable with them. Additionally, we’re discussing browser compatibility. Most of our assignments consist of reading material, and I’m hopeful we will have a project to tackle soon, as I want to start coding some CSS.
Today, Merlin went to work with Tommy. I’ve heard that Merlin can be a bit challenging in that environment. Although Tommy is alone in his office, which eases the situation, Merlin tends to growl whenever someone new enters. He’s harmless, but very shy and anxious, making it difficult for him to adjust to new people. It takes him some time to warm up, and I’m uncertain how I can help him become more comfortable around others.
Merlin is slowly warming up to people. Tommy took him on another tour of his work and Merlin seems to be getting better at being around people. No petting though. That’s a bit beyond what Merlin can handle right now.
I recently observed something interesting while looking around on Amazon. I have a serum that I always use in my cart, and currently, it’s priced lower due to Black Friday promotions. However, upon checking the item’s page, I noticed they raised the normal listing price and then advertised a percentage discount based on that inflated price. It’s quite surprising to see that this practice is apparently common. It’s so wrong!
We are Thanksgiving shopping this weekend. Probably get up early and get out there so we aren’t out all day. Ya know, grocery stores need Black Friday deals. We already have the TV; we need the food now.