I revamped the form in my Form Project because I wanted to achieve a different appearance, particularly since it didn’t display well on a Mac. It seemed to look better in Windows. I’ve made those adjustments and updated a section of the CSS. I believe I’m finished with the project now, and I’m currently reviewing the code to see if there’s anything else I would like to change.
I decided to enjoy a raw apple today after seeing how appealing they looked. I thought it would be fine to eat one without cooking it first. However, I’m now experiencing slight stomach cramps from the apple. I should have cooked it first. I’m unsure why raw apples give me stomach cramps, but I was hoping this time would be different. Unfortunately, it wasn’t, though the cramps seem to be subsiding.
I had therapy today, where we discussed Thanksgiving and my mom calling and why we need to come down to California this summer. I’m feeling quite anxious about this, but I’m also curious about it. I’m glad it’s in the next city over from where I used to live. I’m kind of scared to go back to California. Not because of my mom, but because of my ex. It’s been ten years and I am still scared. I wish I weren’t scared or anxious.
Karissa is tidying up the living room, as it appears to be her assigned task for today. Kel frequently assigns the kids chores when they’re at home. I believe we’re having ravioli for dinner tonight. Tommy is taking advantage of Alex’s absence, so we can indulge in gluten-filled meals this week. I’ve been coding all day and feel like I should take a break to do something else. Perhaps around 5, I’ll step away from the computer to prepare Tommy’s lunch for tomorrow.