I finally managed to reschedule my mammogram. After several weeks of contemplating it and rehearsing what I would say, I picked up the phone and made the call. I experience significant anxiety over phone conversations; I tend to freeze up when I’m on the line. I find it helpful to jot down my thoughts beforehand so I can read from my notes instead of relying on spontaneous conversation.
When someone calls me and I have to answer, it can feel like a nightmare. Phone calls require immediate responses, leaving no time for the careful crafting of my words. Unlike texting or emailing, there’s no opportunity to pause and gather my thoughts, and that lack of control can be quite overwhelming.
I’m embarking on my next coding project, which involves creating a responsive website. I must admit I’m feeling a bit apprehensive about it, as I’m uncertain about how to begin with a responsive design. Should I create the website first and then try to make it responsive, or should I focus on responsiveness from the outset? I believe it’s largely related to the layout of the site, specifically how I design the boxes and images to ensure responsiveness. I’m not sure if I’m articulating my thoughts clearly.
Oh! I just remembered a story that I had written in my journal but hadn’t shared here. Last Sunday, before heading to our friend’s house, I had a hearing aid appointment. My right hearing aid had been acting up—it would cut in and out, and the volume remained very low, even when adjusted. The technician discovered that the receiver was faulty, so they replaced it. Fortunately, my hearing aid is functioning properly now.
On the way to our friend’s house after the appointment, my phone rang. I didn’t pick it up, and then it rang a second time. I ended up removing my hearing aid to answer it, even though I could have answered the call through my hearing aid. I’m not quite sure why I chose to take it out.
I took my hearing aid out and heard the phone ring through my left hearing aid. A lady asked if this was Walmart, to which I replied no before hanging up. It was only then that I realized the rubber piece of the hearing aid, the part that fits into my ear, was missing. I started to wonder where it could be. After arriving at our friend’s house, Tommy stayed there while Kel and I headed back to the Costco Hearing Aid Center. Unfortunately, it turned out that the rubber piece was lodged in my ear canal, and they had to remove it. They replaced the rubber piece and ensured it was secure before I put my hearing aid back on. I hadn’t even felt the rubber piece in my ear, and it was impossible to see with the naked eye. I’m just relieved that everything was resolved there and then, without needing to see a doctor for its removal.
Tommy just showed me a weather update. Following a warming trend that will persist through the end of the week, an Arctic cold front is expected to arrive on Saturday, accompanied by a round of snow. A second, more intense Arctic blast will follow Monday into Monday night, bringing with it frigid temperatures and hazardous wind chills, which could lead to the issuance of Cold Weather Advisories. It seems clear to me that winter has officially arrived. It may have arrived last week, but the temperatures haven’t been that low. Today it’s 40 and sunny, so it’s pretty nice outside. Some of the snow has melted.
I want a siopao. That’s a Filipino steamed bun with pork filling. It’s pronounced (sopow). I’d try to make it, yet I don’t have a way to steam the buns. Costco sells Chinese bao, which is similar to siopao, and Walmart has some bao in the frozen section. But it is a little pricey. Maybe one day I will make it.