I’m eager to make pan de sal again, but I told Tommy I wouldn’t be baking for a while to avoid an excess of sweets in the house. While I could argue that pan de sal isn’t technically a sweet, it is still bread, which contains carbs. I can understand his concerns. Still, the desire to bake is strong.
I’ve completed my coding project! The ‘project image pictures’ appear a bit large when the screen is stretched, but overall, the site does respond well to different screen sizes, which was my primary goal. For my first attempt, I think it turned out quite well.
Tomorrow, we’re taking my hearing aids in for repairs. I’m excited to get them fixed, though I’m not looking forward to being without them for a short time. The hearing aid center mentioned they would provide me with a temporary pair while mine are being repaired, so I hope those will work well for me in the meantime. I’ve already packed my hearing aids in my bag to ensure I don’t forget them tomorrow.
Tommy, Kel, and I are heading over to a friend’s house this Sunday. The guys will be watching football while the girls and I play bunco. I’ve never played bunco before, but I did watch a video to get familiar with the game. It’s typically played with 12 players, with four at each table, though I’m not sure our game will be that large. I’m curious to see how our version of bunco will work since players usually rotate tables and scorekeepers based on their winning and losing numbers. The video provided me with a good overview of the game, including the basic rules for both bunco and mini bunco, which is helpful. Knowing me, I will forget some of what I learned by Sunday.