You never think you are attached to something until it is gone. My Facebook was hacked today. I usually don’t go on Facebook that often. I will greet everyone in the morning and then may scroll through for a bit. Then my day goes on without having opened up Facebook at all. Then it gets hacked, and I feel a little lost. Well, not lost, but Facebook is how I keep in touch with my cousins. I have a lot of cousins, and it’s nice having them in one spot where I can easily contact them. Now, I can’t reach them. I don’t know their phone number. I do have their address, but they live in the Philippines. I have all my Walmart friends and elementary, middle, and high school friends on there. I’m doing all I can to bring back my account. I’d hate to have to start a new account since I’ve had my account since 2007, when Facebook first started. I think the worst part is that it is Christmas time. Now, while I did send cards, I can’t wish everyone a Merry Christmas on Facebook as I do every year. So in a way, maybe I do feel lost. Cause it is more than just some social media account. It’s where I store contacts and my pictures as well—not having access to all that does make me feel lost.
My uncle texted me today and asked if I was hacked. I guess the hackers were asking for money. Something I would never do. So that is when I found out that I was hacked.
Tommy is home; I’m going to close this out now.