I’m almost done with the book; You Belong in Tech. She has been talking about creating an application kit. She recommends reading this part of the book later in your journey, but I like finishing a book. We’ve been getting some snow the past couple of days. I think we are in the middle of a storm.
I did some coding today. I notice most of my mistakes in freecodecamp are either typos or not thoroughly reading what I’m supposed to do. I have the problem of scanning the text and not reading what it is saying. They say the key to not skimming is just taking the time to focus on what is happening in every sentence. I don’t do this because it’s mentally tiring, and scanning seems far more efficient. But it isn’t efficient when I have to reread what I just read because I didn’t understand what I read in the first place. So, as Tommy put it, I need to slow down to go fast. I’m not sure why I feel I need to rush everything. It’s something I have dealt with my whole life. Maybe it’s my ADHD?
Yesterday, I had my ENT appointment today. I did an audiology test first. My left ear sucks at hearing. My right ear also does, just not as much as my left ear. The audiologist said my insurance covers hearing aids. She gave me the brochure to check out. This is great; my current hearing aids are getting old. But they are still working well. They don’t have BlueTooth or rechargeable like my girls’ hearing aids do. Then came the actual ENT appt. My ears are just now getting over their soreness from being cleaned. The doctor put some powder into my right ear to help with its drainage.
Sorry, today’s post isn’t much. It’s been that kind of day… not much going on. I feel like having soup tonight. Now to try to convince others that soup sounds good.