My focus was not on point today. Freecodecamp was having trouble with their site today, so I was a bit frustrated. Which, in turn, made it hard for me to focus. I didn’t write yesterday. I was going to after I took Alex to hockey practice but I ended up dinner shopping instead. I made fajitas. I need to work on my fajitas. I don’t quite have it down yet. Every recipe I find could use a good dose of tweaking. And I felt I didn’t buy enough peppers. The two green peppers got lost in the whole mixture. And I did not have as many peppers as I wanted in my fajita.
Then during dinner, I played FFxiv’s Island Sanctuary. I spent a few hours just gathering stuff and figuring out how to play it. I thought I should change my gear when I’m in the Sanctuary. My character looked a little weird, gathering on an island wearing her full battle gear.
Alexis’s play got canceled. Too many of the actors are out sick. I’m sad for her. And I really wanted to see her too. Maybe they will have the play at a later date. So this weekend, I will be with Tommy as he finishes his homework. Not sure if he will be studying at home or the library. We sometimes go to Flying Star as well, but you need to buy something to be there.
In CSS I learned that they use variables. Who knew? I can see why they use variables, but I have never seen it used in CSS before.
In CSS, variable declarations begin with two dashes (-) and are given a name and a value like this: –variable-name: value;
To use that variable elsewhere in the CSS code, put the variable name in parentheses with var in front of them like this: var(–variable-name). Whatever value you gave the variable will be applied to whatever property you use it on.
The main advantage of using variables is quickly changing many values in your stylesheet by changing the value of a variable.
.bb1 { width: 10%; height: 70%; --building-color1: #999; } .bb1a { width: 70%; height: 10%; background-color: var(--building-color1); }