So, this year, I will be going on a cruise with Tom, Kelly, and Karissa. I’m excited and nervous about it. Karissa has never been on a plane, so this will be interesting. I hope she enjoys the plane. I’ve always liked flying. My first flight was to Alabama to see Kevin when I was 18. My aunt Sharon was a travel agent then and made all my flight plans. I think I won’t be so nervous about this cruise once I get my passport. We are heading to Alaska and would like to see Canada there. I’ve only been to Canada once with my grandpa. We visited Thunder Bay. I’m excited about the food we will have on the ship, seeing the different cities, and learning the history of each place we visit. I’ve already been reading up on a few of the places.
Alexis will be 20 this month. Wow, it’s hard to believe that little girl has grown up. I still see them both as my little girls. I’m sad her play has been canceled, but we do see her in a week for her Spring Break.
Alex’s hockey tournament is next weekend also. That will be fun. It may be his last one since he might not play next year.
The coding was interesting today. The whole day was about variables, which can sometimes be confusing. So, here are some notes for today…
When using your variable as a CSS property value, you can attach a fallback value that your browser will revert to if the given variable is invalid.
Note: This fallback will not increase browser compatibility and will not work on IE browsers. Instead, it is used so the browser has a color to display if it cannot find your variable.
Here’s how you do it:
background: var(--penguin-skin, black);
This will set background to black if your variable wasn’t set. Note that this can be useful for debugging.
Because of this, variables are often declared in the :root selector. This is the highest-level selector in CSS; putting your variables there will make them usable everywhere.
:root { --building-color1: #aa80ff; --building-color2: #66cc99; --building-color3: #cc6699; }