Coding had me feeling a bit overwhelmed today. I know I was overthinking everything and sometimes rereading repeatedly to understand what I had to do. I fear I won’t understand this. Although with some muscling through, I started to understand some of what I had to do. I started to ask myself what I could do now that would make me feel as if I’d accomplished something. So I paid some bills. I do feel better now that it is out of the way, but it has nothing to do with coding. Though now, I have nothing to procrastinate with and have to focus on coding. Of course, now I want to reorganize my desk. The drawers need to be organized again. I let it go, and now it looks like three junk drawers. Later, I will do that.
Today is 61 degrees out. I’m almost certain this is a fluke, and we will be bombarded with snow in a week. I haven’t looked at the forecast, so I’m unsure if this warm weather is here to stay. I hear Daylight Savings Time is on our horizon. I never cared for “Spring forward” and losing that hour of sleep.
Saturday, we got our passports for our upcoming trip. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. We had all our documents and applications filled out. We had our picture done there, and it went smoothly. It was a bit of a wait, but nothing too bad. Then onto Costco and enjoyed some Costco pizza for lunch. All the walking we did made it pretty nice for some pizza. Which I haven’t had in so long. Tommy did homework when we got home, and I played Ffxiv and watched YouTube videos. The day was nice and quiet. Sunday was the same as Saturday afternoon: being home playing Ffxiv and watching YouTube videos again.
We are picking up Alexis from school and taking her home for Spring Break on Thursday. I can’t wait. 🙂 Karissa’s doing her math homework now. She told Alex to leave her alone since he is home sick today. She says she understands the math work but worries about doing well in class.
I keep getting a friend requests from Pepper Pots on Facebook. I have no idea who this is, and there is only one mutual friend that I don’t talk to very often. I’m curious, but I keep deleting the request.
Ok, back to coding. Some notes from today:
Gradients in CSS are a way to transition between colors across the distance of an element. They are applied to the background property, and the syntax looks like this:
gradient-type( color1, color2 );
In the example, color1 is solid at the top, color2 is solid at the bottom, and in between, it transitions evenly from one to the next.
The flex-direction property specifies the direction of the flexible items.
Note: If the element is not a flexible item, the flex-direction property has no effect.
flex-direction: row|row-reverse|column|column-reverse|initial|inherit;
The align-items property relates to the CSS layout. It affects how elements are aligned both in Flexbox and Grid layouts.
align-items: flex-start | flex-end | center | baseline | stretch
Writing two classes in one element.
< div class="class1 class2" >< /div >