Well, I did have my car back. The roads home from Lexi’s school are dark country, two lane roads. You depend on your headlights and hope the other drivers will turn off their brights before you get to passing them. To make a story short until I get more info from the insurance company; someone left their crap in the road and were blinded by oncoming lights and didn’t see the said crap until it was too late and we ran over it. We slowed down but it was too late. With some gorilla tape we made it home. The three hour trek. We got home at 11:30p. My car can’t be driven at the moment. /sigh.
We had dinner with Lexi last night before we headed home. It was nice to spend more time with her.
I’m a little down today. But I know things will get better. At a later time I will show the pics of my car. The damage is mostly under my car and the grill. I should work out today. I’m not feeling it though.
JavaScript notes…
The every method works with arrays to check if every element passes a particular test. It returns a Boolean value – true if all values meet the criteria, false if not.
For example, the following code would check if every element in the numbers array is less than 10:
const numbers = [1, 5, 8, 0, 10, 11]; numbers.every(function(currentValue) { return currentValue < 10; });
The every method would return false here.
Use the every method inside the checkPositive function to check if every element in arr is positive. The function should return a Boolean value.
function checkPositive(arr) { // Only change code below this line // Only change code above this line } checkPositive([1, 2, 3, -4, 5]);
function checkPositive(arr) { // Only change code below this line let result = arr.every(function(value) { return value > 0; }); return result; // Only change code above this line } checkPositive([1, 2, 3, -4, 5]);