I finished the Calorie counter project and am now coding a music player. I want to go into slower to better understand some concepts I still need clarification on, such as template literals. It took me forever to figure out that I needed to use the backtick key (`) since whoever uses it?! Ok, so…
Author: desertkitten_md0op6
Happy Valentine’s Day! Ok, so it’s a gimmicky day to say I love you to someone special when you should say it every day. But I still like the idea of it. It’s a day of romance. In history, some say it’s a celebration of St. Valentine’s death. According to History.com, Valentine’s Day is when…
Red vines and emojis
Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. It’s a nice day, but one should show their significant other they care for them daily. Not just one day out of the year. And one doesn’t have to go crazy every day; touching the hand can signify love. But seriously, it’s Valentine’s Day. Tell a friend that you cherish their…
Relaxing weekend
Coding has been kicking my butt lately. We are building a calorie counter and jumping around the code so much that it needs to be clarified. The freecodecamp course needs to give you more time to practice when you are initially learning a topic. We do it once and move on. I find myself needing…
Must eat…
Today is a good ‘study day.’ I stayed focused and got a lot done. We’re learning regex and template strings right now, and it’s kicking me in the butt. But I’m enjoying it. Well, not so much of the kicking of the butt. Somehow, the E drive on my computer has become corrupted. My computer…
Just a bit miffed
I just had my therapy appointment. It was supposed to be yesterday, but something happened, and it didn’t happen. So the appointment was changed to today. Today, we were talking about trauma in high school, and the incident from the band came up. The therapist asked why Children Services and the police weren’t notified of…
Random questions
I have yet to take any pictures this last weekend/week. We didn’t do anything this weekend. Seriously, I did nothing. That was nice. We did go to Costco and Home Depot yesterday to look at refrigerators. Tommy ended up just buying the refrigerator parts we needed. I had my sinus appointment last Thursday. I love…
I finished the JavaScript role-playing game project. The next project is a Calorie Counter. I got a message this morning from someone thanking me for my JavaScript notes. That made me smile. I didn’t think you could find my site on Google, and for it to help people, that’s cool. Tommy and I were talking…
Today’s therapy was complex. We touched on some more challenging subjects. I still feel small and vulnerable talking about them. Also, the fact that I do things so I don’t get into trouble means that I’m treating people like I treat my mom or other past abusers. That isn’t fair to others. We also talked…
New car
I can’t believe January is already over. This month went pretty fast. I’m doing well in my planner. Even wrote daily on the daily pages. Ok, I didn’t write a lot but I wrote something. I haven’t been using stickers though since I don’t have the time to do that. Next year I think I…