I had therapy today. It was a hard session. And I’m having trouble writing here right now. But it was a good session because it did help a bit. I’ve started decorating my planner for next year. Is it a bit too early? Yes. Do I care? No. It’s relaxing and fun. Maybe I will…
Author: desertkitten_md0op6
Brain is fried
My brain is a bit fried from all the coding today. I’m having fun but I’m having trouble keeping my focus on my work. Merlin is sleeping under my desk. He can barely fit under there but somehow he has managed to wedge his head under the back of my desk. He unplugged my speaker…
Mindfulness pt. 2
My JavaScript notes are becoming too long on this post so I decided I need to post something. Lol. I checked out Dracula out of the library but I didn’t read it before the loan was over. I’ve been too busy. I need to check the book out again. Last weekend was pretty chill. I…
Today in therapy, we talked about mindfulness. That is my homework. To try being mindfull about something and write about my experience. Why do I feel that I’m going to fail this? My mind can be quite sarcastic and sometimes judgemental. Mindfulness is a type of meditation where you become acutely aware of what you…
skin care
My face still hurts a bit. I tried this moisturizer sample that has hyaluronic acid. Which is a substance that your skin already produces. So it should be fine, right? Wrong. My face and neck have red blotches on them. My face is getting much better but my neck is taking a while to get…
Feeling down and happy at the same time
I feel weird right now. I’m between feeling down and being happy that it is Friday. My sinuses hurt a little, which is why I’m probably feeling down. I’m happy cause it is Friday and I’m also happy that I’m starting to see results from working out. I don’t think I’ve lost inches yet, but…
Another rainy day
JavaScript today was long. Providing a string with the first letter of each word capitalized took way too long for me to do. I ended up looking for a hint on the page. Problem is, the hint just gives the answer so I’m still a bit confused on how to do the problem. I watched…
Unprepared day…
It’s been raining all day. The weather is cool outside. When Merlin wakes up I will go make myself some hot tea. I haven’t written in a short while. I had another doctor appointment last Thursday. My sleep appointment. I was so unprepared that day. I was going to get the title for my Passat…
Dr. appointment
I’m sitting at Starbucks in the city near Tommy’s work. I have an ENT(Ear, Nose, Throat) appointment today. I have my ears checked every six months. Well, I try but sometimes I have had to reschedule. The doctor wants to make sure the ears are still good and I don’t need surgery. He doesn’t want…
A sleepy puppy
The next thing we are doing in JavaScript is algorithm scripting. Not sure what that is yet. The notes at the end of this has to do with objects. I don’t have much to write about today. I’ve been doing pretty good on posting just about every day this week. I can’t recall if I…