My focus today has been quite limited. I’ve delved deeper into CSS functions and am starting to feel more comfortable with them. Additionally, we’re discussing browser compatibility. Most of our assignments consist of reading material, and I’m hopeful we will have a project to tackle soon, as I want to start coding some CSS. Today,…
Author: desertkitten_md0op6
Quite a day
My mom called with some important information. It seems that Karissa has a bank account with a considerable amount of money in it that my dad opened. However, my mom can’t access the account to transfer any funds to Karissa because Karissa needs to be present to sign in person. Since Karissa is of age,…
Computer trouble
I have twenty minutes until my therapy session, and I’m uncertain whether I want to do therapy today. I know we will discuss C-PTSD, and I might end up zoning out. I shouldn’t be so negative; therapy can be beneficial. While addressing such a heavy topic as C-PTSD can feel overwhelming, it also presents an…
It’s only Tuesday
At times, it becomes necessary to hire someone to clean the house, and no, we didn’t hire anyone. Alex asked how he could earn $30, so I suggested he deep clean the living and dining rooms, as well as under the couch. That’s what he’s currently focused on. I told him I would evaluate the…
Therapy homework
I completed my therapy homework during lunch today by watching a YouTube video on Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD). This psychological condition arises from prolonged exposure to trauma, often of an interpersonal nature, such as childhood abuse, domestic violence, and chronic neglect. Unlike PTSD, which is generally linked to a single traumatic event, C-PTSD develops…
It’s Friday!
It’s finally Friday! I really enjoy Fridays since they signal the end of the week and the beginning of the weekend. I’ve spent the day working on tables in coding, along with some CSS. I’m pleased to say that I’ve also completed the shopping list for Thanksgiving, which is a relief. Now we can head…
Almost Friday!
I am nearly finished with my Thanksgiving shopping list. I need to check a few items in the pantry, ideally when Alex is not around. Earlier, while I was looking through the pantry, Alex accidentally dropped a bottle of soy sauce on my head, which left me with a mild headache. I’ve taken some Ibuprofen…
Slow week
This week seems to be moving so slow. I guess that is ok, better than going too fast and not getting things done. I have been practicing HTML all morning, and I’m now taking a brief break. I’m maintaining my focus quite well, though I still feel restless. Since we’re covering the basics of HTML—something…
Tuesday Ramblings
I’m currently listening to music as I code. I’ve completed the calculator, which performs basic functions; however, I’ve noticed that if you enter a new number after calculating it, it appends to the existing number. I’m unsure how to resolve that issue, but since the assignment only required basic math functions, I’ll leave it as…
Thanksgiving vibes
I began writing on Saturday and managed to draft a paragraph before diving into a game of Portal 2 on my computer. It’s an engaging puzzle game, and I’m currently in Chapter 4. Throughout the weekend, I found myself immersed in video games and watching YouTube videos. I also started playing SimCity 4, although I…