Alexis is 20 today. After she was born, I went to the NICU to check on her. I looked at her cribsheet and noticed that she was born on the 24th, the same as Karissa. I never planned that. Alexis had me bedridden for the last month of my pregnancy with her. She had wanted…
Category: Uncategorized
I find coding HTML to be relaxing. To just sit here and code and not think about anything else. Listening to some lofi music. CSS isn’t as relaxing; however, realizing what CSS can do is fascinating. With coding, it’s predictable. You write a line of code, and the computer or browser will execute it the…
There is no friend as loyal as a book
Yesterday I was coding and overlooked the time. By the time I noticed, it was almost dinner time. We have started animating in HTML. Ok, mainly in CSS, but it is interesting. I like doing animation without the use of Flash. I finished yesterday’s project of building a ferris wheel. Today we are coding a…
A break from CSS
I haven’t written (typed?) in a few days. I don’t have much of an excuse except that I was reading Book Lovers after coding and never got around to posting here. I’m almost done with my product landing page project in coding. I’m currently working on CSS, which is the most thrilling and frustrating thing….
Coding for days
Coding a webpage is both frustrating and fun. I’ve spent most of my day coding and Googling code. I’ve gotta template for the webpage, so I’m not totally on my own with coding. I worry that I won’t be able to do this from scratch. But I have fun coding. I added an iframe to…
Mentally drained
I’m mentally drained. In coding, my project is to build a product landing page. A giant advertisement for a product. I’m doing the example again cause I have no idea what product to advertise. Today was a long day, and yet it shouldn’t have been. The day started this morning with Lexi’s doctor’s appointment. I…
When everyone around you is sick
I’m surprised I haven’t gotten sick with several sick people in the house. The only thing I’ve had these past few days is a headache, but other than that, I feel fine. I’ve gotten through several coding projects these couple of days. I’m quite proud of myself. Though I feel I may have to slow…
Coding had me feeling a bit overwhelmed today. I know I was overthinking everything and sometimes rereading repeatedly to understand what I had to do. I fear I won’t understand this. Although with some muscling through, I started to understand some of what I had to do. I started to ask myself what I could…
CSS notes
So, this year, I will be going on a cruise with Tom, Kelly, and Karissa. I’m excited and nervous about it. Karissa has never been on a plane, so this will be interesting. I hope she enjoys the plane. I’ve always liked flying. My first flight was to Alabama to see Kevin when I was…
Nope, no focus
My focus was not on point today. Freecodecamp was having trouble with their site today, so I was a bit frustrated. Which, in turn, made it hard for me to focus. I didn’t write yesterday. I was going to after I took Alex to hockey practice but I ended up dinner shopping instead. I made…