I’m kind of bummed today. The wind is so strong today. I went to get the mail, and the wind caught my car door and swung it open. Then the door hit the mailbox, and I have a dent now in my car door. So that has sucked the life out of my day. I’m…
Category: Uncategorized
Happy Monday!
Happy Monday! I hope your day is going well. I’ve spent all day coding my Technical Documentation page. There is so much text in this project. It’s more text than code. I’m working on the CSS now. I’m sure I’ll be done tomorrow and can continue with the next project. I learned the tag today…
My head focuses on the negative.
In the library today. Fridays aren’t busy here. I’m feeling better so I thought I’d write. My mind was being mean to me earlier. Saying stuff that I know isn’t true. I’m not sure why my head does this. Would it be too much to ask to be happy all the time? I have nothing…
Can I do this?
I did pretty well with coding today. I kept my focus long enough to finish the old project and finish another project in one go. We have a new project called Technical Documentation Page, which we do with fewer instructions. This means I will blank out and procrastinate cause I feel that I can’t do…
It’s hard to focus on coding today. I have done a little. The closer it gets to taking Alex to practice, the harder it is for me to do anything productive. I’m basically waiting until I need to leave and take him to hockey practice. Procrastinating. I’ve done some reading on procrastinating, and it’s pretty…
Short post
We started a new project in coding… building a Picasso painting. This should be interesting. Today I started late, so I didn’t get much coding done. I did clean the closet out. I just felt that it needed to be cleaned. It was bugging me, and I couldn’t focus on coding. My medication still makes…
Caffeined up
Today was the first day of my medication change and now I feel all tweaked out. Like I have had more than one cup of coffee. The kids have been busy today with laundry and cleaning. It’s funny that I call Karissa a ‘kid’ when she isn’t one. But she will always be my ‘kid’….
Coding tables
It must be a haircut day. Tom, Alex, and Kel all got haircuts today. I’m surprised Karissa decided against a haircut. She usually likes her hair short, much to my dismay. I love my girls to have long hair… but it is their hair. I don’t plan on having my hair cut anytime soon. I…
Low energy
At the library again. It’s, of course, quiet since it is a Friday. I’m finishing up the HTML part of my tribute page. Then onto CSS. Kevin’s dad, the girls’ grandfather, passed away this morning. I didn’t know him that well. Kevin and I visited him and Kate when I was four months pregnant with…
Focus isn’t in the bag.
I’m at the library today. I’ve been coding the newest project today. The tribute page. The coding of the page is easy enough. The example they have, which I’m doing, has a lot of texts. The example looks like they randomly picked a name out of a hat and did a tribute page off of…