It’s been a slow day. We were snowed in this morning so Tom had to go into work late. Getting my Bug to get up the hill on our driveway was a bit of work. Kevin’s dad, the girls’ grandfather, isn’t doing too well. The girls met him once. I think Karissa was 12 and…
Category: Uncategorized
Happy Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is always an awkward day for me. I never know how to respond to this day. Part of me is a cynic when it comes to this day. Why do we all of the sudden get romantic on one day of the year? What do we do for the rest of the year?…
Gloomy day
Taking a break from coding. I have some notes to put down here on what I’ve done today. This weekend was low-key. Saturday, we went over to a friend’s house and played some board games. It was fun. I enjoyed myself. A few games were a little confusing but all in all, it was fun….
Focus. Today I don’t have that. I keep zoning out. I will do ten minutes of work, and the other ten is zoning out. I should have brought more food than just a sandwich. This is probably why I can’t seem to focus on the work in front of me. Kel and Alex are heading…
Not too much to talk about
I had my labwork done this morning. I should have had it scheduled for earlier than 11, cause I was starving. My appt is 40 minutes away and I found that I could have gotten my lab done locally in my town instead of going a few towns over. Well, now I have my lab…
The drive home from taking Alex to practice was crazy. The freeway entrance where I usually go was closed. So I ended up having to keep going straight onto the freeway going west. I need to go east. I got off at the next exit and drove back around the long way to get home. …
Finished my form
I figured out what was wrong with my form. It needed to be a descendant of the form code itself and I didn’t have an id for the form tag. I’m not explaining this well. Again, there is no CSS attached to this form so it will look a bit wonky. Now we are doing…
Long weekend
I’m on my phone cause I’m taking care of the sick. I just got back from making Tommy some tea and he fell asleep. Poor guy. Last weekend was long. We left Friday night about 5:30p and got to our destination about 8. Came to learn upon arriving that Alex’s game is canceled. They played…
Can I do this?
I tested my code to the instructions and I have been told that a few things aren’t correct. So back to the drawing board with my form code. I could just toss this aside and continue with another project but I want to get this right. So I’m going to keep working on this until…
Coding and negativity
I finished my form! I am working on the CSS, which seems to be a bit harder. But I like figuring out how I want the form to look. I will show the form down below. It won’t look great because the CSS isn’t done and won’t be attached here on WordPress. Wow, that is…