I feel a bit lost today. I did read more of the ‘You Belong in Tech’ book. She is talking more about using social media to build a community and make a name for yourself. Here are some ways to do so: 1) Use Twitter to my advantage. Make posts, and retweet interesting tech posts….
Category: Uncategorized
I didn’t study much today, though I read more in “You Belong in Tech.” The author went over the dos and don’ts of social media and coding communities, events and conferences, and Discord for getting into talking about tech with other people. Alexis had her doctor’s appointment follow-up for her medication. Her medication is working…
Branding myself
As I’m continuing this book, “You Belong in Tech,” I’m up to the chapter about making a name for yourself and branding yourself. Getting out there and putting a name for myself goes against my introverted heart. All my social media accounts are private for a reason. The thing is, making a name for yourself…
You Belong in Tech II
Today has been a busy study day. I started by reading more of “You Belong in Tech,” where she talked about different ways to learn code. Two that I found interesting are freecodecamp and the Odin project. They are both in web development with a focus on different languages within web development. I started by…
You belong in Tech
I haven’t written for few-ish days. The week went by quickly, and now it’s the start of a new week. I must leave in about an hour to pick up Alex from school. I’ve just spent the last half hour looking for things to have for dinner and reading “You Belong in Tech: How to…
Busy day
Today was busy. Lexi had her doctor’s appointment today. Of course, I forgot to pick up her medication today, so I will get it tomorrow. I feel for Lex; her doctor was in a little bit of a mood. But I’m proud of Lexi for keeping her tone neutral. Especially for not being on her…
I love snow, but wish it would stop
Happy New Year! I spent most of the first day of this year watching football. The Bucs won and are first in their division. Speaking of football, last night, we saw a player get hurt so badly that they had to bring in an ambulance. That was scary. Football is such a violent sport. As…
Small list of my favorite items
We are quickly approaching the end of this year. So I thought I would talk about some of my favorite things from this past year. First off, today was a Java day of coding. Tommy and I finished the first season of the anime GATE. I enjoyed it; I’m not sure if they will have…
I’ve done some Java exercises today. Getting slightly more confident in writing code. Most of the codes are codes doing math. So that takes a bit of time to get used to. Oh! I’m making more cookies soon. I already have the dough made, so I can just roll them out and cut them with…
Christmas, cookies, and a hacked Instagram
I hope everyone has had a Merry Christmas! I woke up early to bake cookies and to help make Christmas dinner. We had roast, ham, brussel sprouts, sweet potatoes, and mashed potatoes. It was all delicious. Kel’s parents came over for dinner and presents. Oh, we had tamales too, but we were all full that…