Here I am again. Spending another night seeking for productivity. I believe that is one of my anxieties…not being productive enough. On the other hand; it is the evening and Cinco de Mayo. We celebrate this day with tacos! Or in my case: a taco. I want to eat all the sides that have come…
Category: Uncategorized
Mind boggling
Psychology has always been an interest of mine. I have taken classes in it just for the fun of learning more about the subject. I can’t help but analyze people. Whether I care to or not, it is second nature to analyze someone. It can just creep into my head at odd moments when I’m…
Being a GenX-er, I’d think that I was trained in the art of laying around the house and entertaining myself. I have found myself getting bored lately. I never really knew what that felt like. I mean, sitting down and reading or even organizing my dresser drawers, is cool with me. I like the task…
Hello, fellow quarantines! Remember when you came home after-school to an empty house? Ate a bowl of cereal and did your homework in front of the TV? I feel like that again. I actually had some thoughts on what I wanted to write. Thing is, this quarantine doesn’t bring out the creativity in me. Some…
My mind is led astray
Hello! This seems like a slow week. Which is nice. I’ll be going to Colorado again this weekend. I believe this is my third or fourth weekend in a row going to Colorado. I almost feel like we should move to Colorado during the hockey season. Heh. Gosh, last weekend was Alexis and me alone….
Hello Colorado!
I’m sitting here at the ice rink’s bar, having a Diet Pepsi waiting for Alexis’s game at 2. We had a 12:45 call time for their team pictures. I bought a kid’s meal of a grilled cheese sandwich and fries. Not because it was very cheap, yet because I hast the appetite of a 10…
I’m procrastinating
I have trouble believing merely neurotypical people exist. When you are hungry; you eat. When you are sleepy; you sleep. Where the brain does not require so much effort to realize these things. The brain just… works. There is no Dedicated Screaming Hour? My brain is much like a crafts room. What is quite literally…
Daily randomness
Having your kids on social media can be quite interesting. They will tweet or post something where they make a comment, complaint or asking for advice. Then I will feel compelled to text them answering their tweet or post. Sometimes I think they can deal with this on their own. Then I remember that their…
Somehow I broke my blog. My fanatical obsession with never closing browser tabs have saved me. I think. See, I broke my blog and I have yet been able to log in at my desktop computer. We come now to my obsessive browser tabs. I never close tabs. Something becomes enchanted in my head and…
Rough week
I write so many notes in my Evernote on thoughts, ideas and feelings going around in my head but I don’t always get them in here in writing. I’m happy that I had an actual chance/time to play Final Fantasy xiv last Friday. I did a quick level 50 dungeon with a bunch of sprouts…