Today, I’m focusing on Arrays and Objects. I’m working on a series of code problems that require me to determine whether to use .filter, .map, or other methods. Arrays are ordered, indexed collections and are great for storing lists where the order is significant. On the other hand, Objects consist of unordered key-value pairs and…
Forgot to renew
I tried to fulfill my therapy homework yesterday with encouragement from Tommy. As part of the progress, I challenged myself to communicate more during a gaming event at a friend’s house. Although I felt somewhat awkward and struggled to focus on my words, I still engaged in conversations minimally. When prompted with questions, I found…
Hello Friday
The weather feels hot today, although it’s only 82 degrees outside, which seems mild considering the 100-degree temperatures my friends are facing. I’m progressing with my Etch-a-Sketch project and using CodePen online to test my code. I’ve changed the code on Github, but the updated version isn’t showing in the browser. Despite Github recognizing the…
Coding woes
O’Malley has been playfully attacking my feet under the desk. I arrived home just an hour ago. Lexi had her doctor’s appointment, and her prescription should be ready soon. Her doctor wants to schedule a follow-up after the semester is over. We initially picked up Kel’s parents’ order from Walmart and then headed to Moriarty…
Calling insurance companies
Again, I’m writing in the morning. If I write a little here and there during the day, I will feel more relaxed to write at the end of the day. I did start writing yesterday but got busy with other things that took me away from my computer. Today, I am taking on the challenge…
Monday in the city
As it is approximately 6:30 a.m., I started writing. I have an ear appointment today, so I’m in the city. Tommy dropped me off at McDonald’s. Usually, I would go to the Starbucks next door, but they have converted their store into a grab-and-go store. They’ve removed all the tables and chairs and no longer…
I’m not short, everyone is just taller than me
I usually don’t dwell on the fact that I’m short. It’s just one aspect of who I am and often a minor detail in my daily life. But there are moments when it really stands out. Because our car was in for servicing, Kel was driving her dad’s truck. Although we got our car back…
Low-key day
I have completed the rock, paper, scissors project. You can view it at While I am uncertain if everything is implemented correctly, the game functions as expected. I had to search for a lot of help on Google, and I am grateful for the availability of such resources. I vividly recall when we didn’t…
On a spectrum
I’m writing this in Kel’s dad’s truck while going down to the city to meet Tommy. I spent the morning engrossed in an article by Mary H.K. Choi, in which she candidly shared her experience of being diagnosed with autism in her 40s. As I read her story, I couldn’t help but see myself reflected…
On Thursday, Tommy and I went on a 5-mile hike. The uphill sections were quite challenging, and by the end, I was struggling to finish. It was quite an adventure. Even the downhill parts had their own challenges, as we had to be careful not to lose footing. In the evening, we celebrated the Fourth…