I finished the Number Sorter project, but it became confusing towards the end. I don’t get the concept of nested loops. Why do they need to be nested? I need to read up more on nested loops. FreeCodeCamp goes so fast sometimes that I feel like I’m falling behind. I think I will start Monday…
First day of Spring
Happy first day of Spring! 🌸🌱🌼 I have looked up the history of Easter eggs to figure out why we color eggs during Easter. Overall, the tradition of Easter eggs reflects a blend of Christian symbolism, pagan customs, and cultural practices, embodying themes of new life, renewal, and celebration associated with the Easter holiday. So,…
I feel disconnected today. I’m having trouble focusing and feel as if I have more things that I need to do, but I can’t seem to remember what they are. And I have a planner, which I keep looking at to ensure I have nothing else to do. However, I managed to study well and…
Yesterday was busy, but the girls were so lovely. Alexis bought me breakfast. I had an avocado toast on an everything bagel. Karissa bought me lunch, which was a salad. We dropped Karissa off at school and then went to the audiologist to have Alexis’s hearing aid looked at. It’s not holding a charge, and…
Binary numbers
The furniture repairman finally repaired Tommy’s dresser. I was even mansplained how to use the dresser: “Always open the drawers from the center and not the side.” I’ve never heard of anyone trying to open drawers from the side. That almost seems physically impossible. Why would anyone open drawers from the side? But anyway, the…
My own identity
I’m third of the way along on The Isles of the Gods. I’m enjoying it. The story jumps from one person’s point of view to another and another. So this drives me up the wall since I have to remember the other person’s story when we return to that person later in the book. I…
Feeling down today
I’m sad today. I’ve had trouble focusing and coding. I did do some coding. I’m watching Everest today. Not sure how I can get on the bike if I’m watching her. I don’t seem to have anything I can do that will cheer me up. Maybe I will try and read later. I checked on…
I’m almost finished with the ToDo app project. I had to redo some problems that the website didn’t save. A bit of a pain, but I got it done. The next project is learning recursion by building a decimal-to-binary converter. That should be fun. Recursion is a programming concept where a function calls itself. That…
University Library
I’m at the University library. Chris has to leave for Colorado during his Spring Break, so he has to drop Everest off with us. I’m helping Tommy take Everest home so she isn’t just walking around the back of his car. I brought my Kindle to read after working on the computer. And I got…
Setting boundaries
Working at Tommy’s desk is decent. I’m on my laptop, hooked to his monitor, keyboard, and mouse. I downloaded Chrome cause the FreeCodeCamp website is too buggy on Safari. The website is working so much better now. Even WordPress, the app I use to write, works better now. It seems that WordPress works better on…