I’m still waiting to hear back about my car. This is taking so long and it is making me nervous. Maybe they just have so many cars that they haven’t gotten to mine. I hope the cost of repairs aren’t too much. Even if my insurance is paying, I still don’t want repairs to be…
No word about my car yet
I still have not heard anything about my car. I may call tomorrow to see what’s up. Let’s see, this morning I spent time washing the bed sheets and remaking the bed. Have you ever made up a King size bed? It’s a workout! I’m walking around the entire bed, tucking sheets in and getting…
Still waiting to hear about my Bug…
What a day! Hopefully my car got looked at today. The collision center called yesterday. They called Kelly and not me. Kind of confused about that but that’s fine. They called. So a few days ago a truck hit a telephone pole off of I40 and the power has been cut so the collision center…
I’m just annoyed with today.
My day hasn’t been too productive. I did do laundry, although I had not folded them and put clothes away yet. I’m thinking later this afternoon I will get to that. Last weekend was a few days of resting. Did get some exercising in. I made enchiladas last night. They came out pretty good. I’m…
Walking through my panic attacks
My car is at the collision center now, getting assessed. I should know something soon on how much damage has been done to the Bug. Therapy was a bit difficult yesterday. I was going over the panic attack I had on Saturday. Saturday, I was sitting in the hotel room watching YouTube while Tommy was…
Tarp 1, car 0
Well, I did have my car back. The roads home from Lexi’s school are dark country, two lane roads. You depend on your headlights and hope the other drivers will turn off their brights before you get to passing them. To make a story short until I get more info from the insurance company; someone…
Relaxing weekend
I’m sitting in Lexi’s school library swinging my feet cause I can never reach the ground when I’m sitting in a chair. Tom and I saw Lexi’s play last night. It was very funny, except for the end where it did get serious. The Clean House is by Sarah Ruhl. Check it out, it’s really…
Today and today and today
Not much happening today. I did laundry yesterday so that is out of the way. Coding was a bit hard today. Lots of googling and getting hints on how to solve the problem. And laundry needed to be done since I’m packing on Thursday (we are leaving Friday to go to Lexi’s school) and I’d…
Happy Monday!
Good day! Happy Monday! Thank you for the kind words from the last post. It means a lot. This coming weekend is Alexis’s play. Tommy and I are leaving Friday to head up to her school. I’m excited to be seeing her and I’m also excited to see another of her plays. We will be…
A slow process…
The last few days since therapy my head has been all over the place. So many things from the past are coming back to me. And I have blocked a lot of things. They say to start from the beginning but my head doesn’t track a timeline very well. I forget when things happen. I…